Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Government And Education

I would like to post a series of articles (as putting the whole thing in a single post would make the reader sleepy, which is not my aim) which present my views, ideas and suggestions on the role of the Government in Education. These series of articles discuss about education in the present scenario, and lead to a finale I've come up to.

Here i go... :)

I lay grave importance on education since I honestly believe that it is the most powerful force, something which is capable of inspiring change in any society, in any nation. It is an absolute necessity for the social, economic and political upliftment and equality of every individual, although in isolation it might not be sufficient. It has always been one field that has never attracted adequate attention from either the government or the general public, since it is a long term solution to the problems of this nation and not one that can be achieved in the immediate term, not something that can win votes in the upcoming election. Education not only provides a consistent source of income via employment to an individual, but also improves vastly the productivity of a nation as a whole, and more importantly makes us better human beings.

The education I refer to here does not merely end at acquiring knowledge of the various fields of life such as sciences, social or natural or geographical, nor does it merely mean literacy, but more importantly refers to the imbibing of moral values and ethics in individuals. It is not a surprise that more educated societies and countries in this world have a far better life style and life expectancy, neither is it baffling that these societies are far less corrupt and more humane compared to ones where there is a drought of quality education. It is surprising however, that a force as powerful and important as education is often neglected. Free power and construction of temples win elections in this country, but never will someone who vouches for quality primary education be taken seriously. Well perhaps not “never”. I guess that is the hope with which I write this piece.

Off late one has seen a substantial amount of participation from the current government at least on the higher education front in this nation. Quotas in higher education for various communities in IITs, IIMs, NITs, IIITs, etc and the establishment of a large number of new institutes (read IITs) that promise to perpetrate top quality technical education are some initiatives that have been much talked about. However, like most governments in the past, this government has also not given adequate importance to primary and secondary education.

I hope this sets up the mood well for the coming posts... will continue with Higher Education (read IITs et.al.) in my next post.


  1. Is there any Government that has done something at all for the education sector?

  2. hmm... i don't know abt that for sure... but even if the govt hasn't done anything abt it till now... tat doesn't mean it can't do anything in the future as well :)
