Saturday, April 18, 2009

Basic Common Sense

So let me start with a question to showcase our common sense...

Q) Which of the following is the right thing to do while going on the roads?

a) Stop -> Look -> Proceed

b) Proceed -> Look -> Stop

Yeah, i know that ALL of us will choose option A on the paper, but how many of us implement it on roads? Well, i don't know about you guys, but more than 95% of
the people in our city actually follow option B while driving.

So this is going to be my premise in this post, how sensibly do we behave on roads!!!

I would really like to know what goes through people's mind
when they do what they do; Let me just show you the example of what i've seen just five minutes back...

I really can't understand why he is driving like that. Is is because of arrogance or ignorance or senselessness or stupidity or a mixture of all these :P. Again, if another person drives like this in front of him, i am sure he would bad-mouth the other person.

Actually, I do have a reason to support this behavior...

All the four wheelers are supposed to go to ride at the center of the road while the two and three wheelers are supposed to be to the left of the road. :D

Even though he can still come to my right as i was on a Two-wheeler, the above statement not only supports this auto-wallah but also other many others in situations like this...

Or like this... :D

See what i mean, its not like these guys are irresponsible or senseless; its just that we dont understand them, Poor Chaos :P.

Sorry if my sense of humor is not of your taste, I just had to think of a REALLY dumb reason to explain this dumb behavior. Well, the word DUMB would have sufficed
if it was just at this level, but as we all know people take it to the next level. Like this...
:P This might look like an exaggeration to some of you, but i have actually seen people doing this quite frequently, this is heights of............... I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY. Its funny and frustrating at the same time. :)

And mix all this stupidity or whatever u wanna call it... with different people having different mindset...

> Old people going at 20 kmph in the middle of the road and actually trying to break traffic signals!!! :(

> Teenagers cutting their bikes on road as if they want to have a look at their butt.. and most of them actually don't have a license.

> Women (Most of them at least) getting scared at each and every sound of a horn.

> Middle aged men (especially on scooters), not even turning their necks to check if their is any vehicle that they are about to hit.

> People crossing the roads suddenly start running when they see a vehicle coming towards them. (Seriously can't figure out why they can't wait for a single second).

> Cars, especially travels and taxi drivers, driving as if its a bike...

>Last but not the least, Auto and Bus Drivers (Actually govt workers!!!) driving as if they own the roads!!!

Its total CHAOS once we get out of our office or home...

People who are thinking "Seriously..." I just have a request...

Please make sure you are not one of them!!! If you are already now, Great... That's all

This is my first post.. hope you've liked it

Signing off.....


P.S: Even though the previous posts are shown as posted by me, they are written by Hydra/Venkat.

P.S 2: The most comic scene on the road...

"An auto trying to overtake another!!!"

Seriously guys, check it out once if u haven't, you will laugh your heart out.