Sunday, April 26, 2009

Elections and Inflation

This is about a thought i got recently, though it seems a bit off or crazy. Eventhough the Inflation has been on the brink of going onto the negative side for the past One and Half month (it touched 0.27% by the end of March 14th), it still is clinging on to the positive values (0.26% ending April 18th). Many analysts are infact surprised by this behavior....

I just thought that the reason for this might be Elections. Yup! Elections and Campaigning. Well, here goes my reasoning for this....

As i am sure, it is an open secret that the money political parties get for their campaigning is not only from their coffers in Switzerland but a majpr chunk of it is also from the Corporate world (though illicitly) . Many corporates in India have actually come out openly against it recently....

Well, we are talking about the Bajaj's and the Tata's over here in the article. What about the small vendors and business men all over India? Can they afford to come open like this? Even they are not spared from this arm twisting...

I actually got this idea when i was talking to a shop keeper. He was actually worried about the very existence of the General Stores in the future :). Poor chap...

The prices of all the basic amenities have increased, even those items which have a MRP, in my case its fags :D. When i asked him why he is charging more, he simply said that he can't help it, he himself is being charged more as the vendors who are selling him the goods also had to pay money for the campaining...

The vendors and small business men are forced to pay money for the campaigning, which inturn leads to increase in the prices of all the goods they are selling. Actually its these small time vendors and business men who are worst effected. They are forced to pay each and every candidate fielded by the parties; as they dont want to be in the bad books of any political party.

Well, so.. whats happening over here???

The campagning and the funding required for the elections have actually indirectly increased the prices of all the goods and amenities, which helped us in keeping the Inflation above Zero!!! Yeah, i know that the inflation includes a lot of factors that the lame man doesn't know that well. But, i am sure that this will have an impact on it, however minute it may be. So...

          The Elections and our Politicians have helped the Ecomony by keeping the Inflation Positive. :P

Now, the politicians and their parties have another angle in which they can say they are helping the country and the economy :D. Whichever party has taken most funding illicitly from the coprporates has helped the economy the most :P. Another way to boost their chances in the elections :P...

Just a sarcastic take on how things are happening.. but i still feel that its worth pondering over...

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